
terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010

bande déssinée

Descobri em um blog português esse blog de um artista libanês. Reproduzo para o fim de divulgar: quem se interessar, visite KERBLOG.
Há diversos quadrinhos e arte, publicados em tamanho maior no Flickr. Bem interessante.

- "today, racha went to work (in corniche el mazra'a) and evan went to school. and people are in the streets. as usual, as if nothing happened.
a war? which war?
and today we decided to go out for dinner.
in this moment, while i am drawing, i am drunk. very drunk.
between hizbollah and the "14th of march" i choose the white wine..."

- "but who do you support for real?"

- "i support the germans... and if they loose i become with brazil..."

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